Oral Health Diaries: Things To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Oral Health

Maintaining good oral health is essential for your general well-being as well as for having a beautiful smile. If dental issues are not taken care of, they can cause pain, discomfort, and even more serious health issues. Where good oral health is linked to a longer and healthier life, it is also the best confidence booster. Oral health issues affect billions of people worldwide, which is why it is extremely important to take good care.

The condition of your mouth, especially your teeth and gums, is considered a portal to your overall health. Obviously, if one notices you have bad breath and dirty teeth, they will assume you have unhygienic habits and that your health is not in good shape as well. The best dentist in Lahore put forward that good oral hygiene and daily monitoring of the condition of your teeth, tongue, and mouth are essential as starters for a healthy life. Let us share some things that you need to know to keep your teeth in optimal condition.

Signs And Symptoms Of Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene is linked to many diseases. Some of these medical conditions include cardiovascular diseases, stroke, pneumonia, endocarditis, etc. There are prominent signs and symptoms that portray poor oral health, such as tooth decay, toothaches, and losing one or more teeth. Your breath may become bad or putrid, a condition called halitosis. Your gums may be affected, leading to gum recession or bleeding. Sometimes your jaw may swell, or you may develop mouth sores that will not go away. An infection of the mouth caused by certain bacteria or viruses may also occur, commonly known as gingivostomatitis.

How To Improve Oral Hygiene And Health

As oral health cannot be undermined, proper care is necessary to achieve something near perfection. This also means that you have to use the right oral care products, such as toothbrushes, toothpastes, mouthwashes, etc. Here are some general instructions to help you take care of your teeth, gums, tongue, and overall mouth:

Brush at least twice a day!

It is necessary that you brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day. Do not go to bed without brushing your teeth. Consider using a toothbrush that is soft-bristled. A toothbrush with hard bristles will hurt your enamel and gums. Regular brushing prevents plaque buildup and aids in its removal. Sweeping off bacteria from the gum line is also possible with brushing. Make sure that you brush all sides of the teeth, but do not be aggressive.

Use fluoride toothpaste

When using toothpaste, use a fluoride one. This is a good defense against tooth decay. Fluoride controls caries by reducing demineralization of enamel, promoting remineralization of enamel, and inhibiting the metabolism of bacteria. It reinforces the teeth with essential minerals.

Do not forget to floss

Many people tend to miss this step in their daily routine. In fact, flossing is found to be extremely beneficial for oral health maintenance. It helps remove plaque and bacteria in between the teeth as well as any food crumbs that get stuck. They also reduce the inflammation of the gums. These are easily available at local drug stores.

Drink water instead of sugary beverages

Beverages and juices contain a lot of sugar, which sets up breeding grounds for the bacteria. The bacteria feed on sugar and produce an acid that eats away at the enamel and damages it. It is important that you keep your hydration game strong and drink adequate amounts of water. This clears the mouth and gives it freshness.

Stop smoking!

Smoking tobacco or tobacco-based products harms your overall health as well as your immune system. When your immune system is compromised, body tissues, including those of your mouth do not heal well, leading to complications. Smoking also causes yellowing of the teeth and tongue, as well as halitosis. It is also the leading cause of oral and gum cancer. If you are unable to stop smoking, it is better to consult your healthcare professional.

Consider using mouthwash

A mouthwash is to be considered an oral health staple. It reduces extra acidity in your mouth and cleans areas in the mouth where your brush does not reach. There are multiple variants available in the market catering to the special needs of children and adults. Mouthwashes clear away debris and plaque in the mouth, as well as bacteria.

Remember your tongue as well

Bad mouth odor and infections can occur from bacteria and plaque buildup on your tongue. It can affect your oral health; therefore, it is necessary to gently brush your teeth or use a tongue scraper.

Visit your dentist regularly

For good oral health, it is always advised to get routine dental checkups. Early detection of problems is the best way to get a head start on treatment. Even if you do not have any visible problems, you should visit a healthcare provider twice a year.

Final Words

Practicing good oral hygiene isn’t a one-step process. It should be followed religiously on a daily basis so that any issues affecting your health can be avoided. Eating a well-balanced diet is also essential, apart from the tips mentioned above, for optimal dental and oral health. If you are prone to cavities or gum disease, you should visit your dentist often.

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